Tech is filled with wonderfully brilliant people. Here's the traits that make the star team members stand out and make the boss breath a sigh of relief.
Smart (of course)
Self Motivated
Thinks Ahead
Renegotiates Deadlines Early (when the unforeseen happens, as it does)
Great Communication Skills (Verbal and Written)
Thinks About & Suggestions Improvement to Product and Processes
Lets Go Of Ideas or Issues After Communicating Them
Flexible (Adjusts quickly to changing requirements, goals and deadlines)
Aware of teammates skills and helps maximize positive outcomes for all
Sees issues and takes the initiative to overcome them (doesn’t always wait for approval)
Positive Outlook
How many of those boxes do you tick off?
Want to advance in your career? Begin cultivating those traits?
Got Stars on your team? Check out our blog on How To Manage Stars.